Julia Taft Refugee Fund Annual Program Statement, POL/ECON, U.S. Embassy Yaounde

The U. S. Embassy in Yaounde-Cameroon, Political and Economic Section is seeking proposals for innovative projects that address refugees or returned refugees social welfare in affected regions of Cameroon.

We will also consider supporting projects that benefit both refugees/returnees and their


host communities.

Proposals can address one or more of the following areas:
education, health, WASH, vocational training, income generating activities or any relevant social issue.

Related Programs

Overseas Refugee Assistance Programs for Africa

Department of State

Agency: Department of State

Office: U.S. Mission to Cameroon

Estimated Funding: $25,000

Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories

Obtain Full Opportunity Text:
US Embassy Yaounde Website

Additional Information of Eligibility:
The Julia Taft Fund for Refugees is limited to Cameroonian local registered CBOs, associations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with at least 2 years of experience working in Cameroon.

Recipients of the previous year’s Julia Taft fund are normally not eligible for the current year’s funds.

Organizations and entities with a prior history of non-performance of U. S. government grants are ineligible to apply for funding.

Full Opportunity Web Address:

Lucresse NgumGrants AdministratorPhone 237 222201500 Ext 4171 or 4544

Agency Email Description:
Applicants may also request application package by contacting us at: grantsyaounde@state.gov

Agency Email:

Date Posted:

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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