Purpose of this program.
Vouchers under this NOFA will assist non-elderly disabled families that would have been housed by a PHA if occupancy in the designated housing project/building (or portion thereof) were not restricted to elderly households.
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:Step One download application
Additional Information of Eligibility:Eligibile Applicants.
PHAs that currently administer a HCV program are eligible to apply for funding under this NOFA.
This NOFA was publised in Federal Register November 28, 2009.
Full Opportunity Web Address:http://www.grants.gov/applicants/apply_for_grants.jspContact: Public and Indian Housing Resource Center at 800-955-2232
Persons with hearing or speech impairments may call 800-877-8339
Agency Email Description: no email information available
Agency Email: NONE@NONE
Date Posted: 2008-12-04
Application Due Date: 2009-01-30
Archive Date: 2009-01-31
Social Entrepreneurship
Melbourne social enterprise Who Gives A Crap sold nearly 3 million rolls of toilet paper in 2014/15 and gave half the proceeds to WaterAid Australia, but co-founder Simon Griffiths says the donation would have been less had the startup adopted a non-profit model when it launched two years ago.