This Initiative assists private, tax-exempt fair housing enforcement organizations in the investigation and enforcement of alleged violations of the Fair Housing Act.
There are three components under this Initiative:
General Component (PEI-M) (1) Multi-Year Component.
Eligible applicants
are Fair Housing Enforcement Organizations (FHOs) or Qualified Fair Housing Organizations (QFHOs) with at least one or two year�s experience, respectively, in complaint intake, investigation and fair housing testing.
(See Chart on Section III.A.
for additional and specific eligibility requirements) and (2) Mortgage Rescue Component (PEI-MRC):
Eligible applicants are QFHOs and FHOs who have the organizational capacity to combat abusive mortgage practices in their communities.
PEI-MRC has the same eligibility as PEI-M with additional distinct requirements.
(See chart on Section III.A.
for all eligibility requirements).
(3) PEI-PB continuation from FY 2009 and FY 201 0.