Targeted Assistance Grant Discretionary Program

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), announces the funding opportunity and award procedures for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Targeted Assistance Discretionary Grant (TAGD) Program.

The TAGD Program is designed to assist newly arrived


refugees and specific refugee populations with compelling situations who for various reasons have been unable to make the transition to economic self-sufficiency.

TAGD Programs provide case management that addresses employment and social adjustment services for refugees to obtain self-sufficiencyand do not have other alternative funding resources or services available to address the needs of the refugee target population.

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Obtain Full Opportunity Text:

Additional Information of Eligibility:
Those eligible to apply for this grant are the state government agency responsible for the refugee program, pursuant to 45 CFR §400.5, or their replacement designee pursuant to 45 CFR §400.301.

A Wilson-Fish agency that oversees a state-wide program as an alternative to the state-administered program pursuant to §412(e)(7) of the INA is also eligible to apply for this funding.

Applications from individuals (including sole proprietorships) and foreign entities are not eligible and will be disqualified from competitive review and from funding under this announcement.

Full Opportunity Web Address:

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Agency Email Description:
ACF Applications Help Desk

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Melbourne social enterprise Who Gives A Crap sold nearly 3 million rolls of toilet paper in 2014/15 and gave half the proceeds to WaterAid Australia, but co-founder Simon Griffiths says the donation would have been less had the startup adopted a non-profit model when it launched two years ago.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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