The Environmental Studies Program (ESP) of the BOEMRE is offering a cooperative agreement opportunity through Louisiana Coastal Marine Institute (CMI) to Louisiana State University (LSU) and other units within the LSU system that have the ability to conduct research in topics that serve the public interest
of safe and environmentally sound energy production and meet the goals of the BOEMRE Offshore Energy and Minerals Management Program.
The Offshore Energy and Minerals Management program oversees the exploration and development of oil, natural gas and other minerals and renewable energy alternatives on the nations Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
Section 1346 of the OCS Lands Act (OCSLA) mandates the conduct of environmental and socioeconomic studies needed for the assessment and management of environmental impacts on the human, marine, and coastal environments which may be affected by oil and gas, renewable energy, or other mineral development.
OCSLA Section 1345 authorizes the use of cooperative agreements with affected States to meet the requirements of OCSLA, including sharing of information, joint utilization of available expertise, formation of joint monitoring arrangements to carry out applicable Federal and State laws, regulations, and stipulations relevant to OCS operations both onshore and offshore.
The Louisiana CMI at LSU was established in 1992 to use highly qualified scientific expertise in the Gulf of Mexico region to collect and disseminate environmental information needed for OCS oil and gas, renewable energy, and marine minerals decisions; address local and regional OCS-related environmental and resource issues of mutual interest; and strengthen the BOEMRE-State partnership in addressing OCS oil and gas, renewable energy, and marine ecosystem information needs.