This announcement is not a request for applications.
This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service’s intention to award financial assistance for the following project activities without competition.
LCC Agrees to:
1. Authorize LCC employees to
support the efforts of the partnership in close consultation with NPS to ensure all activities outlined in this agreement and subsequent Task Agreements are mutually agreeable.
2. Identify opportunities for expanding public access and enhancing infra-structure at Recipient’s preserves that are important to the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail.
3. Advance the planning, design, engineering, environmental compliance, permitting, and construction of high priority public access sites and infra-structure enhancement including interpretative signage and other amenities at Recipient’s preserves and facilities.
4. Collaborate on the development of joint interpretive and branding elements including signage and temporary exhibit elements.
5. Collaborate on the development of educational and interpretive programming related to the themes of the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail.
6. Participate in meetings designed to promote the partnership and/or objectives set forth in this and subsequent Task Agreements.
7. Assist NPS in establishing new relationships and capitalizing on existing relationships with partner sites and local and state governments.
8. Comply with the terms of applicable laws, regulations, and Government policies.