Huna Tribal House Programs

This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications.

This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service (NPS), intention to fund the following project activities without competition.

ABSTRACT Funding Announcement P16AS00121 Project Title Huna Tribal

House Programs Recipient Hoonah Indian Association Total Anticipated Award Amount $356,666 Cost Share 0. 00 Anticipated Length of Agreement 1 year Anticipated Period of Performance June 1, 2016 â¿¿ September 30, 2017 Award Instrument Cooperative Agreement Statutory Authority 54 U.S.C.

§101702(a) Cooperative Agreements, Transfer of Service Appropriated Funds CFDA # and Title 1 5. 946, Cultural Resources Management Single Source Justification Criteria Cited Continuation The Huna Tribal House has been a collaborative effort of the NPS and the HIA since its inception.

The facilityâ¿¿s primary objectives are to serve as a venue for tribal gatherings, workshops and other activities focused on reconnecting tribal members to their homeland and to provide opportunities for park visitors to learn about the history and culture of the Huna Tlingit.

To meet these objectives, NPS has actively partnered with HIA on all aspects of the Tribal House including facility design, NEPA analysis, and construction details.

Importantly, through previous Cooperative Agreements and contracts, HIA has produced all the cultural elements required to adorn the facility (house screen, house posts, house front, totem poles, hand-adzed wood) and has been engaged in all other aspects of analysis, planning, and design.

HIA and NPS have also partnered, through a previous Cooperative Agreement, on the initial stages of Tribal House Interpretive Planning and Grand Opening Celebration Planning.

Unique Qualifications The NPS has a unique, government-to-government relationship with the Recipient (the Hoonah Indian Association; HIA) whose traditional homelands encompass Glacier Bay National Park.

HIA was authorized by passage of the Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) of 1934, and has been constitutionally chartered as a sovereign government since 193 6. The NPS has identified the Huna Tlingit people as Glacier Bayâ¿¿s only traditionally associated group (defined as a social group with at least two generations occupying the unit prior to its designation), with at least 30 generations of occupation.

The HIA is the sovereign government of this traditionally associated group and no other government or non-governmental entity exists that can officially represent their interests.

HIA, through the IRA as well as its ratified constitution, has a responsibility to preserve the tribeâ¿¿s culture and values and maintain its important social and spiritual ties to traditional territory.

As such, HIA represents the interests of its tribal members in all matters related to their traditional homeland in Glacier Bay.

Point of Contact Erica Cordeiro OVERVIEW Glacier Bay National Park is the ancestral homeland of the Huna Tlingit who sustained themselves on the abundant resources found throughout the Bay prior to the Little Ice Age.

Although villages inside the Bay were overrun by glacial advances in the 1700â¿¿s, the Huna Tlingit re-established numerous fish camps and several seasonal villages soon after glacial retreat.

Establishment of Glacier Bay National Monument (and later National Park) led to a period of alienation and strained relationships between tribal people and the National Park Service.

In response to requests from the Hoonah Indian Association (HIA), the NPS began exploring options to construct a Tribal House on the shores of Bartlett Cove to memorialize ancestral villages and serve as an anchor for the Huna Tlingit in their homeland.

The Tribal House was first described in a 1997 Comprehensive Design Plan for Bartlett Cove.

A 2013 Finding of No Significant Impact outlined plans for a 2,500 square foot main gathering area with an adjacent comfort station comprising restrooms and a small kitchen.

The building was designed to reflect the traditional plank house style, but to include modern amenities including electricity, heating, and IT wiring.

It will serve as a venue for tribal members to reconnect with their traditional life-ways and ancestral knowledge; a focal point for educational programs designed to convey the story of the Huna Tlingit, traditional life-ways and values, and the evolving relationship of the Huna Tlingit and the Service; and a site for appropriate Service administrative activities.

Construction of the Tribal House commenced in spring 201 5. The Tribal House is expected to be largely completed by summer 2016; a Grand Opening Celebration is scheduled for late summer 201 6. Through a Cooperative Agreement and subsequent modifications, HIA completed various cultural elements for the Tribal House including elaborately carved and painted interior and exterior house screens, interior house posts, and exterior totem poles.

These cultural projects have provided opportunities for traditional skills such as form line design, carving and weaving to be sustained and transmitted to another generation of craftsmen.

They have also been instrumental in informing tribal members about, and engaging them in, the Tribal House planning process as well as other park management issues.

The NPS and HIA have also been collaboratively planning an August 2016 Grand Opening Celebration for the Tribal House as well as developing an Interpretive Plan and Operating Plan for the facility.

NPS anticipates that the Opening Celebration will be both logistically complex and culturally sensitive and will require ongoing, frequent communication between the NPS and HIA.

Once completed and opened, the Tribal House will attract thousands of Park visitors each year who wish to learn more about the culture and life ways of the Huna Tlingit.

It is vital that the NPS work cooperatively with HIA, the tribal government, to plan the Grand Opening Celebration, outline culturally appropriate interpretive messages and strategies for conveying those messages to the visiting public, and develop a plan for tribal uses of the facility.

The primary purpose of this cooperative agreement is to provide a framework for ongoing collaborative planning associated with Huna Tribal House programs including, but not limited to:
1) development of an Interpretive Plan and associated interpretive elements, 2) development of a Tribal Use and Operational Plan for the facility, 3) planning and implementing a Grand Opening Celebration, and 4) other cultural programs association with, or in support of, the Huna Tribal House.

The specific objectives of this project are to:
1. Cooperatively finalize an Interpretive Plan for the Huna Tribal House which outlines interpretive themes and messages, identifies interpretive strategies and approaches, and identifies appropriate interpretive media for conveying information about the Huna Tribal House and the Huna Tlingit to the public.

2. Cooperatively finalize a Tribal Use and Operational Plan which will identify appropriate tribal uses for the Tribal House.

3. Cooperatively plan the August 2016 Grand Opening Celebration of the Tribal House.

4. Design and craft one traditional totem pole to be erected outside of the Huna Tribal House to memorialize the evolving relationship between the Huna Tlingit and the NPS.

5. Cooperatively develop a strategic plan to ensure that cultural programs designed to transmit cultural knowledge, especially those associated with traditional arts, continue in the community of Hoonah as well as at the Tribal House.

6. Cooperatively document program activities and archive as appropriate.

RECIPIENT INVOLVEMENT Tribal House Interpretive Planning, Use Plans, Opening Celebration 1. Assign the HIA cultural resource specialist to serve as HIAâ¿¿s Tribal House Coordinator to work 20 hours/week (or the equivalent) on tasks as mutually agreed upon by the NPS and the Recipient.

2. Review and provide cultural input on interpretive material associated with the Huna Tribal House to include, but not limited to, the Huna Tribal House Interpretive Plan, wayside exhibits, audio-visual media, brochures, and other materials for the Tribal House Grand Opening Celebration.

3. Develop and implement special interpretive Huna Tribal House Interpretive Programs for summer 2016 such as special presentations at the Glacier Bay Lodge.

4. Develop a Huna Tribal House Operating and Use Plan for review and approval of NPS.

5. Cooperatively plan the Grand Opening Celebration of the Huna Tribal House.


Assign HIA representatives to serve on the Incident Command Team (ICT) to include, but not limited to:
Incident Commander, Deputy Incident Commander, Logistics Chief, Operations Chief, Planning Chief, and Planning Deputy.


Participate in ICT meetings with NPS representatives, provide input into and review ICT plans.


Lead development of the cultural dedication activities associated with the Grand Opening Celebration developing a cultural program/agenda; identifying and inviting appropriate clans, tribal members, tribal entities; identifying a Master of Ceremonies and/or event facilitator; and facilitate all cultural portions of the event during the Celebration.


Arrange for transportation, food, and lodging needs as required for tribal members attending the Opening Celebration.


Contract with a professional film production company to obtain film footage of the event and live stream appropriate Celebration events and activities.


Outline filming objectives, venues, film review process, and identify other culturally sensitive issues prior to the Celebration ii.

Arrange for projection of non-sensitive events occurring inside the Tribal House to off-site locations.


Collaborate with NPS to arrange for live streaming of non-sensitive events on the internet.


Outline objectives for, and arrange production of a short video documentary of the events.


Arrange for delivery of non-sensitive raw footage to be archived in NPS files.


Cooperatively develop an interpretive brochure and arrange for professional printing of at least 1,000 copies of same for distribution at the Grand Opening Celebration.


Purchase supplies and gift items to be distributed at the Grand Opening Celebration including totes and water bottles/mugs designed to reduce environmental impacts of the gathering.


With the assistance of NPS staff, develop a video/sound recording studio and purchase related materials to facilitate the collection of ethnographic recordings for interpretive and archival purposes.

6. Facilitate meetings with clan elders and other tribal members to obtain tribal input on the Huna Tribal House Interpretive Plan, Grand Opening Celebration, and Operating and Use Plan.

Serve as a conduit between Huna clans and the NPS on all matters related to the Huna Tribal House.

7. Cooperatively sponsor one or more strategic planning workshops to include appropriate community partners (Huna Heritage Foundation, Hoonah City Schools, City of Hoonah) focused on:
1) outlining mechanisms for maintaining community arts programs into the future, and 2) developing a short-term plan for use of the Huna Tribal House as an educational venue.

Totem Pole/Cultural Elements Carving 1. Arrange for, and oversee, the carving of one totem pole, depicting the evolving relationship between the NPS and the Huna Tlingit.

Obtain and incorporate input from tribal members and the NPS on pole design.

Document via recording oral histories associated with the final design.

2. Provide one copy of the final totem pole design for NPS review and approval prior to carving to ensure appropriateness of design and to ensure that the totem pole meets NPS design, architectural and landscaping standards.

3. Complete one (1) door for the Huna Tribal House per architectural direction specified by NPS staff.

4. Arrange for the completion of utilitarian objects to adorn the Tribal House such as paddles, drums, baskets, bent wood boxes, etc.

5. Maintain daily work log of carving and associated activities.

6. Maintain visitor log of local and other individuals who visit the carving project.

7. Document project progress with still photographs and/or videography.

Provide copies of photographs videos, other documentary material, with release forms from participants for use by the NPS each week.

Maintain photographs and narrative input to ensure that the projects administrative history (initiated through another cooperative agreement) remains up to date.

NATIONAL PARK SERVICE INVOLVEMENT 1. Provide financial support of $356,666 to the Recipient.

A breakdown for how the funds will be distributed is included in the attached Work Plan and Budget document.

2. Assign the NPSâ¿¿s Cultural Anthropologist as government representative and Agreements Technical Representative to outline priority tasks, review and approve completed tasks and project deliverables, and assist in liaisoning between NPS and the Recipient.

3. Assign the NPS Tribal House Coordinator to liaison with the HIA Tribal House Coordinator.

4. Lead the development of a Tribal House Interpretive Plan and associated interpretive materials such as wayside exhibits, audio-visual materials, etc.

in conjunction with the National Park Service Harpers Ferry Center.

Solicit and incorporate Recipient input into all interpretive program materials including the Interpretive Plan.

5. Assist the Recipient in designing a video/audio recording studio to capture ethnographic recordings for interpretive and other uses including providing suggested equipment lists, installation of equipment, and training of Recipient staff in the use of equipment.

6. Review and provide input into the Recipientâ¿¿s Tribal House Use and Operating Plan.

7. Cooperatively plan the Grand Opening Celebration of the Huna Tribal House.


Assign representatives to serve on the Incident Command Team (ICT), facilitate ICT meetings and keep ICT notes and records.


Provide for general visitor services (visitor information, sanitation, on-site transportation for physically challenged, visitor protection and safety, emergency medical services) during the Celebration.


Coordinate the Service and Dignitary portion of the Grand Opening Celebration including coordinating VIP attendance, logistics, and safety.


Assist in coordinating arrangements for the Grand Opening Celebration film/production including establishing filming objectives and venues, making on-site arrangements, ensuring adequate electrical and internet capabilities are available, and cooperatively reviewing products.


Assign the park Management Assistant to provide cultural guidance on the Celebration program(s).


Cooperatively prepare an interpretive brochure for distribution at the Grand Opening Celebration.

Assist with brochure preparation including camera ready layout for professional printing (to be accomplished by Recipient).

8. Research cultural themes, oral histories, traditional designs, etc.

for incorporation into the totem pole design.

Collaborate with the Recipient on appropriate pole design and meet weekly with the tribal carvers to convey appropriate anthropological information for totem pole and utilitarian object design and to review the projectâ¿¿s progress.

9. Provide architectural specifications for the door for the Huna Tribal House to the Master Carver.

1 0. Assess project progress and identify opportunities and/or challenges.

SINGLE-SOURCE JUSTIFICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SINGLE SOURCE POLICY REQUIREMENTS Department of the Interior Policy (505 DM 2) requires a written justification which explains why competition is not practicable for each single-source award.

The justification must address one or more of the following criteria as well as discussion of the program legislative history, unique capabilities of the proposed recipient, and cost-sharing contribution offered by the proposed recipient, as applicable.

In order for an assistance award to be made without competition, the award must satisfy one or more of the following criteria:
(1) Unsolicited Proposal â¿¿ The proposed award is the result of an unsolicited assistance application which represents a unique or innovative idea, method, or approach which is not the subject of a current or planned contract or assistance award, but which is deemed advantageous to the program objectives; (2) Continuation â¿¿ The activity to be funded is necessary to the satisfactory completion of, or is a continuation of an activity presently being funded, and for which competition would have a significant adverse effect on the continuity or completion of the activity; (3) Legislative intent â¿¿ The language in the applicable authorizing legislation or legislative history clearly indicates Congressâ¿¿ intent to restrict the award to a particular recipient of purpose; (4) Unique Qualifications â¿¿ The applicant is uniquely qualified to perform the activity based upon a variety of demonstrable factors such as location, property ownership, voluntary support capacity, cost-sharing ability if applicable, technical expertise, or other such unique qualifications; (5) Emergencies â¿¿ Program/award where there is insufficient time available (due to a compelling and unusual urgency, or substantial danger to health or safety) for adequate competitive procedures to be followed.

NPS did not solicit full and open competition for this award based the following criteria:
Unique qualifications, continuation and unsolicited proposal.

Related Programs

Cultural Resources Management

Department of the Interior

Agency: Department of the Interior

Office: National Park Service

Estimated Funding: $356,666

Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories

Obtain Full Opportunity Text:

Additional Information of Eligibility:
Applicants must have a demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the biology of the involved endangered or threatened species in the United States and their ecosystem, including preferably having worked with the species in the field and holding a currently valid Endangered Species Act permit, issued by the FWS, authorizing them to work with these species (or that have previously held a permit to do so).

If funding is awarded, applicants that do not currently hold a valid permit for the proposed activity may need to apply for and obtain a permit ( before beginning the proposed activity.

FWS Regional (or Field Office) contacts will discuss potential proposals with interested parties if needed, and review eligible applications.

The FWS Regional Office will refer interested parties to the appropriate FWS Field Office for further consideration as appropriate.

For potential proposals submitted directly to the Field Office, the Field Office will conduct the proposal review and selection process.

A list of FWS Regional Office contacts is available in the Full Announcement under section VII.

Agency Contacts.

Full Opportunity Web Address:

Kelly Niland

Agency Email Description:
Grant Specialist

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