This Cooperative Agreement is complementary to, and is the next step in the modeling efforts conducted by the Clean Water Coalition for the Selenium Management Plan.
Various data that were partially generated from past Reclamation Agreements will be used to complete the work.
not its primary purpose, the work will also help the Selenium Subcommittee of the Lake Mead Water Quality Forum meet its mission and goals.
The scope of work is to up-scale existing selenium cycle data to the watershed/system level and to investigate the fate and transport of (to characterize and assess removal options) selenium in the Whitney Mesa area with the expectation that mitigation options to manage the LVW will be revealed.
An overarching study plan will be developed and submitted to Reclamation as the first step.
The study plan may detail but not be limited to detailing:
field data collection activities (sampling locations, number of samples, etc.); existing data gathering steps; and analytical tools to be used (e.g., will a simple box model be used or a more complex model).