The Bureau of Reclamation intends to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), R12AF20006, for Grants/Cooperative Agreements for the following program:
Watershed Rehabilitation and Sediment Source Control.
The purpose of the project is to implement the watershed restoration of the Trinity
River Restoration Program (TRRP).
The selected Recipient will be responsible for on-the-ground implementation of a portion of the watershed rehabilitation and sediment source control projects which have been identified and prioritized by the Trinity River Watershed Council (a separate stakeholders group) and approved by the TRRP Watershed Workgroup.
The program objective is to address impacts of the Central Valley Project (CVP) on fish, wildlife, and associated habitats in the Trinity River basin of California by protecting, restoring, and enhancing such habitats and to address other identified adverse environmental impacts of the CVP.
Central Contractor Registration (CCR) applies to this FOA.
Information on CCR registration can be obtained via the Internet at
Questions concerning this FOA should be directed to Mary Sims by e-mail at