The purpose of this notice is to inform potential applicants that the Department of Commerce is providing financial assistance in calendar year 2014 for U.S. manufacturers of certain worsted wool...more
To execute section 4002(c)(6)(A) of the Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act 2004 (Public Law 108-429, 118 Stat. 2603), which authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to provide grants to...more
The purpose of this notice is to inform potential applicants that the Department of Commerce is providing financial assistance in calendar year 2012 for U.S. manufacturers of certain worsted wool...more
The purpose of this notice is to inform potential applicants that the Department of Commerce is providing financial assistance in calendar year 2011 for U.S. manufacturers of certain worsted wool...more
Section 4002(c)(6)(A) of the Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-429, 118 Stat. 2603) (the ?Act?) authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to provide grants to...more