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Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance Grants
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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The purpose of this Grant of federal assistance is to transfer funding to the Calhoun County Highway Department to replace the Deer Plain Road Bridge, which is owned by Calhoun County. This road is...morePosted On - 2012-04-17
Indian Creek LiDAR Project
Through this project, 40,166 acres of LiDAR will be acquired in the Indian Creek Watershed, a tributary to the Klamath River at River Mile 108. The LiDAR data will be used to create high resolution...morePosted On - 2017-07-10
National Fish Passage Program
The National Fish Passage Program (NFPP) is a voluntary program that provides direct technical assistance and financial assistance in the form of cooperative agreements and grants to partners to...morePosted On - 2016-11-23
Chukchi Sea Polar Bear Harvest Risk Assessment
The US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 7 intends to award a single source financial assistance agreement as authorized by 505 DM 2.14 (B) to the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) at...morePosted On - 2017-08-17
Social Entrepreneurship
Melbourne social enterprise Who Gives A Crap sold nearly 3 million rolls of toilet paper in 2014/15 and gave half the proceeds to WaterAid Australia, but co-founder Simon Griffiths says the donation would have been less had the startup adopted a non-profit model when it launched two years ago.