The establishment of the Klamath Basin Restoration Planning, Implementation, and Monitoring Program (Klamath Basin Program) will allow the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the awarded...more
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Region 7 intends to award a single source financial assistance agreement as authorized by 505 DM 2.14 (B) to Spirit of Youth (SOY). This notice is not a...more
This funding opportunity supports salary costs associated with a Program Coordinator (biologist) whose role is to spearhead the facilitated development of the Gunnison Sage-grouse Action Plan. The...more
This is an announcement for issuing a single source financial assistance grant award to Birdlife International, Quito, Ecaudor. This announcement is for notification purposes only. This intent of...more
This is an announcement for issuing a single source financial assistance grant award to the College of William and Mary. This announcement is for notification purposes only. This intent of the...more
This is an announcement for issuing a single source financial assistance grant award to BirdsCaribbean. This announcement is for notification purposes only. This intent of the award is to Shorebird...more
The US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 7 intends to award a single source financial assistance agreement as authorized by 505 DM 2.14 (B) to Alaska Teen Media Institute (ATMI). This notice is not a...more
This is a non-competitive NOFO for the continuation of a current award with NFWF. This award is made under the authority of: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Establishment Act. Funds under...more
Establish the Klamath Basin Restoration Planning, Implementation and Monitoring Program (Klamath Basin Program) which will allow the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Fish and Wildlife...more