The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U.S. Department of Labor (DOL, or the Department, or we), announces the availability of approximately $497,000 in grant funds authorized by Section...more
The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U.S. Department of Labor (the Department or DOL), announces the availability of approximately $58 million in grant funds authorized by the Workforce...more
The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U.S. Department of Labor (the Department or DOL), announces the availability of $47,561,938 in adult funding and $12,365,295 in Supplemental Youth...more
The Department of Labor (DOL, or the Department) announces the availability of approximately $67 million dollars ($53 million for Comprehensive Services and $14 million for Supplemental Youth...more
This TEGL provides INA grantees with Comprehensive Services Program (CSP) and Supplemental Youth Services Program (SYSP) funding allotments for PY 2019 for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity...more
This Announcement solicits applications for the Indian and Native American Employment and Training Program authorized under Section 166 of WIOA. The purpose of this program is to support employment...more