Alaska Native Tribal Resource Center on Domestic ViolenceThe Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) announces the availability of funds for one award...more
This Family Violence Prevention and Services Discretionary Grant Program seeks one grantee that can expand and enhance the capacity of domestic violence and dating violence service programs, state...more
The Family Violence Prevention and Services Discretionary Grants: Specialized Services for Abused Parents and Their Children (Demonstration Projects) will support 10-12 demonstration projects. These...more
This announcement has been modified. Information on the address to hand-deliver applications has been revised in Section IV.1. Address to Request Application Package and in Section IV.7. Other...more
This announcement has been modified. Information on contents that count towards the page limitation has been added to Section IV.2. Content and Form of Application Submission. The Administration for...more
This announcement has been modified. Information on the address to hand-deliver applications has been revised in Section IV.1. Address to Request Application Package and Section IV.7. Other...more