Eligibility Information 1. Eligible Applicants:
Government Organizations: State health departments or their bona fide agents (includes the District of Columbia) Large city health departments or their bona fide agents, with populations of at least 900,000 (using July 2012 U. S. Census
Estimates ) 2. Special Eligibility Requirements:
Large city applicants must work in partnership with and provide a letter of support from the state department of health or its bona fide agent documenting activities proposed in this FOA are being coordinated with the states DP13-1305 activities.
Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:Please click on Full Announcement at the top of this page
Additional Information of Eligibility:Eligibility Information 1.
Eligible Applicants: Government Organizations: State health departments or their bona fide agents (includes the District of Columbia) Large city health departments or their bona fide agents, with populations of at least 900,000 (using July 2012 U. S. Census Estimates ) 2.
Special Eligibility Requirements: Large city applicants must work in partnership with and provide a letter of support from the state department of health or its bona fide agent documenting activities proposed in this FOA are being coordinated with the states DP13-1305 activities.
Full Opportunity Web Address:Contact: CDC Procurement and Grants Office(PGO) Technical Information Management Section (TIMS)Phone: 770-488-2700E-mail: pgotim@cdc.gov
Agency Email Description: Technical Information Management Section (TIMS)
Agency Email: pgotim@cdc.gov
Date Posted: 2014-05-23
Application Due Date: 2014-07-22
Archive Date: 2014-08-22