VA Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program

VA is announcing the availability of

funds for supportive services grants

under the SSVF Program.


contains information concerning the

SSVF Program, initial and renewal

supportive services grant application

processes, and amount of funding


credit: Think Progress

Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs

Office: VA Office of Mental Health

Estimated Funding: $600,000,000

Obtain Full Opportunity Text:
SSVF Program Office Webpage

Additional Information of Eligibility:
In order to be eligible, an applicant must qualify as a private non-profit organization (Section 501(c)(3) tax exempt status is required) or a consumer cooperative as has the meaning given such term in Section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959 (12 U.S.C.


In addition, tribally designated housing entities (as defined in Section 4 of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C.

4104)) are eligible.

Full Opportunity Web Address:

John Kuhn, SSVF Director877-737-0111

Agency Email Description:
SSVF Program Office

Agency Email:

Date Posted:

Application Due Date:

Archive Date:

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