State Grants News Headlines

Up to the minute information on state grants awarded across the nation.

Worcester Lands State Grant for Dam Removal
Senator Michael O. Moore has announced a state grant to be awarded to Worcester for the removal of the city dam. The grant was part of $13.5 million funding provided to 17 communities across...more

Dubuque Main Street Gets $65,000 State Grant
One of the 14 Iowa town streets that received the Main Street Iowa Challenge Grants is Dubuque Main Street. Dubuque Main Street was granted a $65,000 state funding for facade improvements along...more

Oak Brook Lands $850,000 State Grant for Streetscape Project
Oak Brook will receive $850,000 grant to fund a $2.5 million streetscape enhancement project for a portion of 22nd Street and of York Road. The state Department of Transportation's Illinois...more

Warren County Gets $482,000 for Boat-Washing Stations
Warren County receives a $482,000 state grant to continue the implementation of the boat-wash plan. The Lake George Watershed Coalition, a conglomerate that includes the Lake George Park...more

Norwalk Receives State Grant for EV Charging Stations
Norwalk receives its slice of the state grants awarded to 42 towns for adding publicly available EV charging stations to end 'range anxiety.' The grants reach up to $135,946, and funding comes...more

Loveland Acquires $1.08 Million State Grant to Meet New Water Quality Standards
Loveland Water and Power, a municipally-owned power, water and wastewater utility provider serving Loveland, Colorado, will be able to water quality and nutrient-control regulations through a state...more

Hoopeston Area School District Gets $49,000 State Grant for Water Pipe Replacement
The Hoopeston Area school district gets a grant of $49,000 to cover half the cost to replace water pipes under Maple Grade School. The grant was a dollar-for-dollar matched fund, according to Mark...more

Tewksbury Seeks State Grant for Generator Installation in Schools
Tewksbury Township Board of Education will apply for a state grant to help cover the costs of installing emergency generators at its two schools. If the grant is approved, the proposed project...more

Exeter Accepts State Grant for Permanent Storm Water Pumps
The state Department of Community and Economic Development has awarded about $580,000 for two new 14-inch pumps to the Exeter borough in the Luzerne County area. The pumps will be used to force...more

Matzie Announces State Grant for CNG Fueling Station
State Rep. Rob Matzie announced the release of an Alternative and Clean Energy state grant amounting to $469,292 to build a compressed natural gas filling station at Ambridge's Beemac Trucking...more

The government-backed Social Investment Research Council is newly formed to hatch practical insights into social investment market products, and the investors needed to finance them.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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