The Orchestra has cinched its musicians because of a labor dispute which is the end result of a poor performance. The Legislative Auditor learned that it "is uncertain how much money the Minnesota Orchestral Association will be allowed to use from its 2013 Minnesota State Arts Board grant."
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Programs that provide activities including performances of classical, jazz, folk or rock music or other types of musical productions, music competitions, and workshops and other educational programs featuring music. African Music Performances; Band Programs; Bands; Barbershop Quartets; Brazilian Music Performances; Celtic Music Performances; Chamber Music Programs; Chorus; Community Bands; Drum & Bugle Corps.; Folk Music; Improvisational Music; Marching Bands; Music Competitions; Reggae Music Performances; Music Appreciation Programs that offer classes which teach the history and fundamentals of music. Music Theory; Music Theory & Composition
Programs that provide presentations of classical, jazz, folk or rock concerts or other types of musical productions. Chamber Orchestra Performances; Choir Performances; Chorales; Chorus; Gospel Music Performances; Religious Music Performances; Symphony Performances Music Performances Presenting Programs that offer activities including presentations of dramatic productions with texts set to music and sung to orchestral accompaniment, opera competitions, and workshops and other educational programs featuring opera. Comic Opera Programs; Light Opera Programs; Operettas
The government-backed Social Investment Research Council is newly formed to hatch practical insights into social investment market products, and the investors needed to finance them.